For unix user.
Step 1: Locate to /conf folder of IHS (IBM HTTP SERVER).
Screenshot 1:
Step 2: Edit the httpd.conf file.
Command >> vi httpd.conf
Step 3: Uncomment the module line
LoadModule status_module modules/
Screenshot 2:
Step 4: Uncomment the server-status location section and change the "allow from" to the localhost client ipaddress or domain
Screenshot 3:
Step 5: Go to the browser and check server-status.
Open URL : http://domain-name/server-status
Screenshot 4:
LoadModule info_module modules/
Screenshot :5
Step 7: Uncomment the server-info location section and change the "allow from" to the localhost client ipaddress or domain
Screenshot 6:
Step 8: Go to the browser and check Apache server-info
open URL : http://domain-name/server-info
Screenshot : 7
Reference Link :
Reference Link :
Thanks :-)
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