
Saturday, 28 December 2019

How to Create a Clone of any profiles on WAS.

Eg: Suppose we already have a profile AppSrv01, need to create an exact copy existing profile,
        with different name AppSrv02 and more.

NOTE: Before proceeding towards any changes, take profiles or Config backup.

BACKUP Config command:

Navigate to $WAS_HOME/bin

./backupConfig.bat /app/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/ 
-profileName AppSrv01 
-username wasadmin 
-password was@123 

BACKUP Profile command:

-profileName AppSrv01 
-backupFile /app/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/


Step 1.  Make sure that the server is shutdown.
Step 2.  Copy the existent profile from Profiles/<oldProfile> to Profiles/<newProfile>
Step 3.  Update Path WAS_USER_SCRIPT in Profiles\<newProfile>\bin\setupCmdLine.bat
Step 4.  Update Path USER_INSTALL_ROOT in Profiles\<newProfile>\bin\setupCmdLine.bat
Step 5.  Update property user.root in Profiles\<newProfile>\properties\ssl.client.props
Step 6.  Replace all occurences of <oldProfile> with <newProfile> in Profiles\<newProfile>\firststeps\firststeps.bat
Step 7.  Edit AppServer\properties\profileRegistry.xml. 
             Make a copy of the <oldProfile> and update the tag values with the <newProfile>. 

Should look something like this:
 <profile isAReservationTicket="false" isDefault="false" name="newProfile" path=".....\Profiles\newProfile" template=".......\AppServer\profileTemplates\default"/>

Step 8.  Copy AppServer\properties\fsdb\<oldProfile>.bat to AppServer\properties\fsdb\<newProfile>.bat. 

This step will make the profile available to "AppServer\bin\manageprofiles.bat -listProfiles"
Step 9.  Edit <newProfile>/config/cells/<cell>/nodes/<node>/variables.xml. Update the USER_INSTALL_ROOT path.
Step 10. Update the path of  WAS_USER_SCRIPT in AppServer\properties\fsdb\<newProfile>.bat


Thanks :-)

Friday, 27 December 2019

Install SDK 8.0 on Websphere using Command method.

Install SDK 8.0 on Websphere using the Command method.

NOTE: SDK 8.0 supports From only

Step 1: Locate to IM_installed/elipse/tools.

Step 2: The imcl script Command is used to install Websphere SDK.

Step 3: List the available SDK packages ID in the binaries.


./imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories /home/wasadmin/SDK_8.0/repository.xml



Step 4: Command to install SDK 8.0 for Websphere servers

./imcl install 
-repositories /home/wasadmin/SDK_8.0/repository.xml 
-installationDirectory /app/IBM_8.5.5.X/WebSphere/AppServer 
-acceptLicense -record /app/IBM_8.5.5.X/WebSphere/AppServer/SDK_8_apply.xml –sP


install : will check already installed WAS version, then proceed for installation.
installationDirectory: for installation directory locaion.
-acceptLicense: to accept terms and conditions.
record: to record installation steps, .xml format can be used for future silent installation or update.


Step 5: USE below commands to set SDK 8.0  as default for WebSphere.

Locate to $WAS_HOME/bin/

  • ./ -listAvailable

CWSDK1003I: Available SDKs :
CWSDK1005I: SDK name: 1.6_64
CWSDK1005I: SDK name: 1.8_64
CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.

  • ./ -setNewProfileDefault -sdkName 1.8_64

CWSDK1022I: New profile creation will now use SDK name 1.8_64.
CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.

  • ./ -enableProfile -profileName AppSrv01 -enableServers -sdkname 1.8_64

CWSDK1017I: Profile AppSrv01 now enabled to use SDK 1.8_64.

CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.

Thanks :-)

Install or Update FIXPACK on WebSphere 8.5.+

Install or Update FIXPACK on WebSphere 8.5.5+

Step 1: Locate to IM_installed/elipse/tools.

Step 2: The imcl script Command is used to install Websphere Fixpack

Step 3: List the available FIXPACK packages in the binaries.


./imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories /home/wasadmin/WAS_FP/repository.xml



Step 4: Two Commands are there  to update/install + offering ID


./imcl updateAll  
-repositories /home/wasadmin/WAS_FP/repository.xml  
-installationDirectory  /app/IBM_8.5.5.X/WebSphere/AppServer  
-record /app/IBM_8.5.5.X/WebSphere/AppServer/fixpack_apply.xml  -sP

updateAll : will check already installed WAS version, then proceed for installation.
installationDirectory: for the installation directory.
-acceptLicense: to accept terms and conditions.
record: to record installation steps, .xml format can be used for future silent installation or update.


./imcl install [offering_ID_offering_version]  
-repositories /home/wasadmin/WAS_FP/repository.xml  
-installationDirectory  /app/IBM_8.5.5.X/WebSphere/AppServer  
-record /app/IBM_8.5.5.X/WebSphere/AppServer/fixpack_apply.xml  -sP

NOTE:  Recommended FIXPACK needed JAVA SE 8+ 

From  (since JAVA SE 8.


Step 5: Check the version of WebSphere using script.
locate to $WAS_HOME/bin/



Thanks :-)

Websphere Base or ND Installation using Command:

Websphere Base or ND Installation using Command:

Step 1: Locate to IM_installed/elipse/tools.

Step 2: The imcl script Command is used to install Websphere on the non-default default location.

Step 3: List the available packages in the binaries.


./imcl  listAvailablePackages
 -repositories   /home/wasadmin/WAS_8.5_BASE/repository.config


imcl: script for command method.
listAvailablePackages: This flag is used to check available packages in binaries.
repositories: to fetch binaries details.



Step 4: Command.

./imcl install -acceptLicense 
-repositories /home/wasadmin/WAS_8.5_BASE/repository.config 
-installationDirectory /app/IBM_8.5.5.X/WebSphere/AppServer 
-sharedResourcesDirectory /app/IBM_8.5.5.X/IMShared  
-record /app/IBM_8.5.5.X/WebSphere/AppServer/response_WebSphereAppServer.xml –sP


install: Flag to install WAS_8. WebSphere package ID&version.
installationDirectory: For installation directory location.
sharedResourcesDirectory: Websphere libraries resources directory.
record: To record installation steps, .xml format can be used for future silent installation.
-sP : For progress status.


Thanks :-)

Installation Manager (IM) on non-default location.

Installation Manager (IM) on non-default location.

What is IM?

Installation Manager is a tool that you can use to install and maintain your IBM software packages. 
The following steps can perform the install, modify, update, rollback, or uninstall your IBM products.

Step 1: Extract IM setup.

Step 2: Locate to $IM_SETUP/installc script for Installation using for command method.

Step 3: NOTE: Create a folder for "IM_installed" &  "IM_logs" on the installation path.


./installc -acceptLicense  
-installationDirectory /app/IBM_8.5.5.X/InstallationManager/IM_installed  
-record /app/IBM_8.5.5.X/InstallationManager/install.xml 
-dataLocation /app/IBM_8.5.5.X/InstallationManager/IM_logs 


installc: Script for command method.
installationDirectory: Installation directory location.
record: To record installed steps.
dataLocation: For IMP installation Manager logs.
showProgress : For installation status.


Thanks :-)