
Monday 14 August 2017

How to install JBOSS - EAP 6.4 Application Server on Linux machine.

Configuration File
This standalone configuration file is the default configuration that is used when you start your standalone server. It contains all information about the server, including subsystems, networking, deployments, socket bindings, and other configurable details. It does not provide the subsystems necessary for messaging or high availability.
This standalone configuration file includes all of the default subsystems and adds the modcluster and jgroups subsystems for high availability. It does not provide the subsystems necessary for messaging.
This standalone configuration file includes all of the default subsystems and adds the messaging-activemq and iiop-openjdk subsystems. It does not provide the subsystems necessary for high availability.
This standalone configuration file includes support for every possible subsystem, including those for messaging and high availability.
This standalone configuration file includes the minimum subsystems necessary to use the built-in mod_cluster front-end load balancer to load balance other JBoss EAP instances.

Step 1: Make one directory JBOSS1

Command >>  mkdir JBOSS1

Screenshot 1:

Step 2: copy the jboss binaries to that JBOSS1 folder.

Command >> cp -pr /JBOSS1

Screenshot 2:

Step 3: unzip the binaries .

Command >> unzip

Screenshot 3:

Step 4: change permission to that directory.

Command >> chmod -R 755 /JBOSS1

Screenshot 4:

Step 5: Before starting make sure java is installed on Linux machine.

Command >> java -version

Screenshot 5:

Step 6: We have to add a users.

Command >> ./

Screenshot 6:

What type of user do you wish to add?
 a) Management User (
 b) Application User (

a)The ManagementRealm and is authorized to perform management operations using the web-based Management Console or command-line based Management CLI.
b)Adds a user to the ApplicationRealm, and provides no particular permissions. That realm is provided for use with applications.

Step 7: locate to /JBOSS/JBOSS1/jboss-eap-6.4/bin  and  run to add the users.

Command >> ./

Screenshot 7:

./  >> Use to add user

Username >> Provide username for Managemnet User.

Password >> Provide password for Management User.

Added user 'jboss' to file >> List of .properties file where the 'jboss' user is added .

Step 8: After adding user we have to start jboss using ./ file.

        Locate to /JBOSS/JBOSS1/jboss-eap-6.4/bin and run  ./

Command >> ./

Screenshot 8:


   JBOSS_HOME: /JBOSS/JBOSS1/jboss-eap-6.4   >> says jboss home.

   -verbose:gc >> gc.log location

   -Xms1303m -Xmx1303m  >> heap size from standalone.conf
   -XX:MaxPermSize=256m >> Perm size from standalone.conf

    http-/ >> The “public” interface binding is used for all application related network communication. >> The “management” interface is used for all components and services that are required by the management layer

Step 9: go to browser , use for login .

Screenshot 9:

Step 10 : Deploy the  Calendar.war file on jboss using file system.

Command >>  cp -pr Calendar.war  /JBOSS/JBOSS1/jboss-eap-6.4/standalone/deployments/

Screenshot 10:


     JBAS018210: Register web context: /Calendar    >> Access the application using context root.

 JBOSS Server- Application Deployment Methods - Click here

Step 11 : Go to browser , use URL

Screenshot 11:

Step 12 : Bind JBOSS to a Available IP address

from to   >> Application Public IP (IPV4)
     & to  >> JBOSS Management user console

Step 13 : To bind  "Application Public IP" (IPV4)

 locate to jboss bin ,  use below command.

Command >>  ./      -b=


-b=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is use  to  bind Application “public” interface to a specific IP address.

Screenshot 13-1:

Screenshot 13-2:

Step 14 : To bind “management” interface to available IP addresses

locate to jboss bin ,  use below command.

Command >>  ./      -bmanagement= 


-bmanagement=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is use to bind “management” interface to a specific IP address.

Screenshot 14-1:

Step 15 : To bind jboss  “public” and “management” interface together .

locate to jboss bin ,  use below command.

Command >>  ./   -b=    -bmanagement=

Screenshot 15-1:

Screenshot 15-2:

JBoss EAP 6.X Http Connector Settings

max-connections: The maximum number of connections that the server will accept and process at any given time.

If the max-connections attributes is not set on web subsystem connectors in standalone-(*).xml / domain.xml, default is computed as:

512 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() //for default Java connector

(i.e The maximum number of simultaneous connection for JBoss server is based on the number of CPU cores and it is calculated as  512*(no of CPU core)).

32 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() //for native APR connector addon

max-threads: The maximum number of request processing threads to be created by this Connector, which therefore determines the maximum number of simultaneous requests that can be handled.

Reference link :

Thanks :-)

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