Step 1: Download latest Apache Tomcat 9.0.0.M21 setup.
Click here to Download setup : Apache_tomcat 9.0.0.M21_Download
Click here to view document : Apache tomcat 9.0.0.M21 Document
Step 2: Click on .zip to download for both Windows and Linux.
Screenshot 1:
Step 3: Set Environment Variables
Navigate to Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced system settings. Switch to
Advanced System tab -> Environment Variables. > Click NEW.
Screenshot 2 : JAVA_HOME
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91
Screenshot 3: JRE_HOME
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_91
Check through cmd.
Step 4: Navigate to Downloaded setup location and unzip it.
Step 5: open CMD run as Administrator.
Screenshot 4:
Step 6: Open the setup location from cmd.
Screenshot 5:
Step 7: Navigate to bin from cmd
Screenshot 6:
Step 8: run startup.cmd file.
NOTE : A command prompt pop-up will come don't close it.
Screenshot 7:
Step 9: Open browser and put address http://localhost:8080
The server is running on Port 8080.
Screenshot 8 :
We can also change the Port Number , Open server.xml file from conf folder and change port in connector element
Screenshot 9 :
Step 10 : Enabling HTML Management Access
Edit the "tomcat-users.xml" file from /conf folder , add the following entries inside "tomcat-users" tag.
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<role rolename="admin-gui"/>
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat123" roles="manager-gui,admin-gui"/>
Screenshot 10 :
and take restart of server
Step 11: Go to browser and put http://localhost:8080/manager/html
and login through tomcat-users.xml >> Username & Password provided
Screenshot 11 :
You can find the role names in the web.xml file of the Manager web application. The available roles are:
manager-gui — Access to the HTML interface.
manager-status — Access to the "Server Status" page only.
manager-script — Access to the tools-friendly plain text interface that is described in this document, and to the "Server Status" page.
manager-jmx — Access to JMX proxy interface and to the "Server Status" page.
These are some of the key tomcat directories:
/bin - Startup, shutdown, and other scripts. The *.sh files (for Unix systems) are functional duplicates of the *.bat files (for Windows systems). Since the Win32 command-line lacks certain functionality, there are some additional files in here.
/conf - Configuration files and related DTDs. The most important file in here is server.xml. It is the main configuration file for the container.
/logs - Log files are here by default.
/webapps - This is where your webapps go.
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